Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Diet and UCTD

It has been well over a month now since I've started juicing in addition to cutting back on sugar. I'm trying to eliminate it altogether, however, figuring out how to bake without sugar is taking me some time.

I really enjoy a lot of the juice and smoothie recipes that I am finding. I always make sure to add either spinach or kale to my drinks. Plus, ground flax and coconut oil. I feel amazing. I have a ton of energy and I'm sleeping better.

I have noticed that I have very little pain. My joint pain has lessened, my migraines are not as debilitating and I am still only taking Plaquenil. Yeah me!

By November, I hope to be rid of the Plaquenil, if not, at least cut back to only a couple days a week.

Juicing is now part of who I am. I'd much rather eat raw and natural food so I can kick the medicine out of my life.


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